Warmth in Every Stitch

Warmth in Every Stitch - A New Year's Gift for Little Hearts

At Editvo, we believe in weaving a tapestry of care and compassion into the fabric of our community. As part of our commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), we are delighted to introduce a special initiative for the New Year – “Warmth in Every Stitch.”

Our Mission: Bringing Joy Through Clothing

This New Year, Editvo is embarking on a heartfelt mission to provide new clothes to children in need. We understand that the gift of warm and new clothing goes beyond fabric; it symbolizes love, care, and the promise of a brighter future. Our aim is to bring smiles to the faces of little ones who may not have the means to welcome the New Year with new attire.

How You Can Contribute: Extend Your Heart and Hands

Clothing Donations: We invite our employees, partners, and community members to participate by donating new clothes suitable for children of all ages. From cozy sweaters to stylish dresses, every contribution counts.

Celebrating Small Acts, Creating Lasting Memories:

At Editvo, we believe that it’s the small acts of kindness that create the biggest ripples of change. “Threads of Kindness” is an opportunity for all of us to come together and make a positive impact on the lives of these children as we step into a brand new year.

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